Named a product that lowers blood sugar in minutes

After eating, glucose levels in the body rise, and this can pose a danger to patients.

with type 2 diabetes. However, there is an easy way to lower blood sugar – eat raisins. Express writes about this. Discuss

As you know, type 2 diabetes occurs due todisturbances in the production of insulin in the body. In this case, the pancreas does not produce enough insulin to maintain optimal blood sugar levels. Blood glucose levels often rise after eating. To normalize it, it is necessary, as the authors of a recent study note, to eat raisins.

In the experiment, the results of which are publishedin The Physician and Sportsmedicine, 51 people with type 2 diabetes took part. The study lasted 12 weeks. This experiment examined the effect of raisins on lowering blood sugar compared to alternative snacks. It turned out that those who ate raisins had a 23 percent decrease in sugar.

Also, in subjects who consumed raisins,a decrease in blood pressure was observed. At the same time, the amount of glucose in the blood on an empty stomach also decreased in people – by 19 percent, as well as hemoglobin – by 0.12 percent.

The findings suggest that raisins can be a healthy snack alternative for diabetics, scientists say.

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Source: Express