NASA announced two new missions to Venus

The missions were named Davinci+ and Veritas and will be implemented in 2028-2030. Their financing will cost

American budget of $1 billion for both projects. 

The missions are slated to launch between 2028 and 2030.

  • The Davinci+ mission will measure the composition of the atmosphere tounderstand how it formed and developed, and also determine whether there was ever an ocean on the planet. The project is being implemented by the team of James Garvin from NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center.
  • Veritas will be dedicated to collecting data to create3D maps of the surface of Venus, modeling the process of movement of lithospheric plates and the emergence of volcanoes that are still active on Venus. The project is being created by Suzanne Smrekar from NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL). The IR spectrograph will be provided by specialists from the German Aviation and Space Center (DLR), and some other components will be provided by colleagues from Italy and France.

We hope these missions will contribute to our understanding of how Earth evolved and why it is currently habitable when others in our solar system are not. 

Message NASA

Interest in Venus surged in 2020 when an international team of researchers published evidence that its atmosphere contains phosphine gas. It indicates the presence of life. 

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