New batteries made of aluminum and graphene charge 60 times faster

The main advantage of the new batteries is that they are cheaper to produce and do not use rare earths

metals, do not burn, withstand colossal currents and a wide range of operating temperatures.

The new development consists of several layers of perforated graphene with pores of about 2.3 nm, where aluminum atoms are stacked: this makes the material quite dense in terms of its ability to store energy and is able to transmit much higher currents than lithium-ion ones.

In addition, each aluminum ion in the process of charging is exchanged at the cathode for three electrons, while the lithium ion is exchanged for only one electron.

As noted in the company, production is planned to begin in 2024, from next year it will beProduction for other needs was launched.

The company says that for the releasefor aluminum-ion graphene batteries for electric vehicles, it is necessary to create cells in standard form factors and with standard electrical characteristics, in particular - with the same voltage as lithium-ion batteries.

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