New microbots quickly deliver drugs inside the body. They are controlled by ultrasound

The authors of the new work printed cell-sized microbots using a laser lithography system for

3D printing They were made from hydrophobic (water-repellent) resin. 

To nourish and guide the microbots,the authors used an external ultrasonic transducer: it needs to be aimed at the target, after which the sound waves make the bubbles oscillate and push the robot forward. In this way, they can be controlled remotely. 

New robots will be able todeliver drugs to a specific organ or area in the human body: the new development is more mobile than analogues and moves faster throughout the body. 

Scientists are now working to create robots from biocompatible and biodegradable materials so that they dissolve harmlessly in the body as soon as their work is done.

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