New smart insoles analyze the effectiveness of football players

The new system, called Jogo, consists of three main parts: special insoles, which are placedas a couple

football boots, two waterproof sensor modules that are inserted into each of these insoles, as well as an iOS and Android app that displays the collected data.

During play, smart insoles track the averageplayer speed, acceleration and deceleration, ball touches, ball time, passes sent and received, hitting power, left and right foot power distribution, dribble distance and total distance traveled.

Once the sensors are installed, the insoles can be left in place until they wear out.The module in the insole can be charged without removing the entire structure from the boots: you just need to remove the upper part of the insole and install the magnetic charger directly into the boot.Each sensor updates the data 1000 times per second and weighsA single charge is enough for 30 hours of continuous operation. 

All this data is transmitted via Bluetooth to the app, where the coachIt also analyzesoverall results for the team and it is possible to compare the performance of individual players. 

The developers plan to start mass sales in December 2021: the wholesale price for the pair will be $ 100.

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