New wireless material allows 99.7% signal transmission without distortion

Hexaferrites, or compounds of iron oxide with oxides of other metals, have excellent magnetic properties.

properties, as well as high specificelectrical resistance. Therefore, they can be used in the microwave region with low losses. Also, these compounds are resistant to thermal influences, corrosion and chemically stable.  

Hexaferrites can be used as a functional environment for electronic components of wireless communication, in particular for 5G.

Today, composite materials based onHexaferrite powders of variable composition dispersed in polymer matrices with the addition of various nanosized carbon fractions attract special attention of many researchers around the world.

Alexey Trukhanov, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, employee of the Department of Electronics Materials Technology of NUST MISIS.

But earlier composites based on barium hexaferritesand paraffin were used and studied only in the format of radio-absorbing materials and devices. The authors of the new work first used them for data transmission devices that require low information loss rates. 

The researchers created a composite material based on barium hexaferrite substituted with strontium ions, followed by integration into a paraffin matrix. 

As a result, they found out that materialpasses 99.77% of the input signal: it does not distort or attenuate it in any way. The authors proposed using it for components in wireless communication devices, such as filters. 

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