Northwestern launches patch sensor - it diagnoses coronavirus

The sensor is attached to the throat pit of a person and can measure breathing rate, sounds and other activities. In that

location, the device can most successfully monitor the air flow, so the sensor is mounted in this location. In this case, the device can be worn around the clock.

Streaming data received from the sensorprocessed by artificial intelligence, transferred to the iPad and uploaded to the cloud, which is HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) compliant.

Artificial intelligence trained on a largethe amount of data on the types of breathing in patients with COVID-19 and will be able to record changes in the patient's breathing. At the same time, apparently, the sensor will be able to record only the onset of pneumonia, and the device will not be able to fix the asymptomatic onset of the disease.

Now in 185 countries there are about 3.6million cases of infection with this infection. 80% of all cases occur in ten countries - the USA, Spain, Italy, the UK, France, Germany, Russia, Turkey, Brazil and Iran. At the same time, in China, where the virus originated, there has been a significant decline in the epidemic. In total, since the end of 2019, 253 thousand people have died from coronavirus infection, and more than 1.2 million people have recovered. In Russia, there are a total of 155 thousand patients with coronavirus infection, 1.4 thousand patients died, 20 thousand were cured.