Nuclear reactions intensified in the reactor of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant

The situation under the sarcophagus that covers the destroyed Chernobyl reactor raises concerns among researchers

to the whole world. The problem was addressed in particular by staff from the University of Sheffield in the UK.

Scientists have announced the risk of recurrenceChernobyl disaster due to increasing nuclear reactions in the mothballed nuclear power plant. It is reported that decay processes are resuming in the uranium fuel residues.

“It’s like smoldering coals in a grill,” —said chemist Neil Hayat from the University of Sheffield. It seems that Ukrainian physicists do not yet know whether the reactions will subside on their own or whether they will have to take measures to protect the population and the environment.

The growing activity of neutrons was detected by specialsensors installed at the Chernobyl NPP. The scientists add that there are too many uncertainties in the situation. At the same time, it is noted that the probability of a new accident cannot be 100% excluded.

We will remind, recently scientists have recorded growingneutron levels at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, where the accident occurred 35 years ago. It looks like the chain reaction continues. There is no imminent risk of leakage yet. The fact is that the situation is developing very slowly. But if the process cannot be slowed down, then there is a danger of an increase in heat release. In turn, it can gradually melt the surrounding material. In this case, the risk of penetration of radioactive elements into the environment increases. Most of all, scientists are concerned about the state of groundwater and rivers that flow nearby.

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