Nvidia driver found link to CS:GO with Source 2 engine

For some time now there have been rumors on the Internet that Valve is going to update Counter Strike: Global Offensive to its latest

game engine and these rumors have clearly been amplifiedafter the Aquarius data miner found a configuration profile called “Counter Strike 2” in the latest Nvidia drivers. It refers to “csgos2.exe”, which can only mean “Counter Strike Global Offensive Source 2”. The author of PC Gamer looked at the driver using Nvidia Profile Inspector and indeed found this profile there.

All this can only mean one thing – versionSource 2 for Counter Strike is inevitable, although this is not very surprising, since, for example, the same DOTA 2 switched to a new engine back in 2015. But the question arises: how important is this for the game? When DOTA 2 moved to Source 2, it added the Custom Games feature, which was truly a significant innovation, and ultimately created the combat genre. But it's not like custom maps aren't being created for CS:GO – there are thousands of them! Perhaps with the transition to a new engine Valve will add something more interesting, but if this is really just an update to the mechanism under de_dust, the average player may not notice much when the transition occurs.