One of the consequences of monkeypox may be skin defects

Immunologist, Candidate of Medical Sciences Nikolai Kryuchkov said that one of the unpleasant visual

the consequences of the monkeypox virus can be severe skin defects. Discuss

The specialist explained that one of the symptoms of smallpoxmonkeys is a major rash. First appears on the face, then passes to the upper and lower extremities. Since the rash is large, and if a person lives in sanitary conditions, then there is a high probability of severe defects on the skin.

There are two ways to get infected with the virus -airborne and contact. “By airborne, I mean through the skin and mucous membranes, that is, even through small abrasions or skin defects, the infection can penetrate. Contact path - usually with biological fluids. In addition, through bed linen. The sexual way can be attributed to the contact, ”explained the expert.

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