Parents were right: fruits and vegetables are good for health, especially for the kidneys

According to a study conducted by the University of Virginia School of Medicine, adult patients with

People with chronic kidney disease tend to eat fewer fruits and vegetables than adults without the disease. That's why it's so important to remember to include these foods in your diet. Discuss

In a recent study, experts fromThe University of Virginia Schools of Medicine analyzed information about people's fruit and vegetable eating habits from three cycles of the National Health and Nutrition Survey (1988-2018). It turned out that in the diet of those who suffered from chronic kidney disease, there were fewer vegetables and fruits.

According to Dr. Julia J. Scialla, eating plenty of fruits and vegetables can help relieve many ailments.

The health of the kidneys is also important because if their work is disturbed, a person can experience hypertension, heart disease and stroke.

However, according to experts,more research to be done to find out whether a lack of fruits and vegetables in the diet really develops chronic kidney disease or whether other factors play a role.

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