PC gamers are unhappy with the next-gen version of The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt: the game has terrible optimization and a huge number of bugs

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So the release of the advertised next-generation version of The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt took place.

Are the players happy? - No!

What is known

After The Witcher 3 update, usersbegan to write about the poor optimization of the PC version, because of which the game does not work well even on the most powerful computers. The frame rate drops to unacceptable levels and this is not at the maximum graphics settings.

In addition, there were too many bugs in the new version, even some staged videos were gone!

I'm sure most of these bugs will be fixed by CD Projekt RED in the near future, but today gamers are furious (again).

Their main claim is thatthe developers did not release next-gen separately from the main game, so that gamers have a choice: run the time-tested The Witcher 3 or try the updated version.

Users strongly recommend that those who have not yet done so do not update the PC version of Wild Hunt. and wait for fixes from the developers.

It is noteworthy that the updated versions of The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt for PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series do not have such problems.