Persistent shortness of breath can be a symptom of anemia or a serious lung problem.

Therapist, Candidate of Medical Sciences Andrey Kondrakhin spoke about diseases, the signs of which can be

be constantly short of breath.

According to the doctor, shortness of breath can be a symptom not only of cardiovascular diseases, but also of bronchial asthma, pulmonary fibrosis, when scars form in the lung tissue.

The specialist also warned that severe shortness of breathcan also speak about the development of oncology. It is especially necessary to sound the alarm if it is impossible to take a full breath or exhale. In the event that a person suddenly began to require more than 22 respiratory movements per minute, it is immediately necessary to call an ambulance.

But shortness of breath can be a companion of sucha non-dangerous condition, like anemia - iron deficiency in the blood. “Shortness of breath occurs, including, with such a disease as anemia, anemia. The lack of iron in the body leads to the fact that red blood cells cease to grow normally, the hemoglobin content drops, and there is iron. There will also be shortness of breath, this will be due to the fact that the hematopoietic system is working abnormally, ”Kondrakhin emphasized.

News stories cannot be equated with a doctor's prescription. Before making a decision, consult a specialist.