Phytohormone from clover leaves can suppress food allergies

The researchers combined computer modeling and data analysis techniques with the results

experimental observations. In previous work, scientists have shown that formononetin reduces the production of immunoglobulin E (IgE), which is associated with allergic reactions.

In a new study, biologists usedsystemic pharmacology. In this approach, methods of computational and mathematical analysis are used to model complex biological systems. Systems pharmacology attempts to understand how drugs affect interconnected processes in the human body.

The scientists used public databases to determine the interactions of genes and target proteins that are associated with an allergic reaction to food and the functioning of mast cells (mast cells).

A network of protein interactions built withusing systemic pharmacology. The circles represent the targets that drugs should act on, and the lines of relationship between these proteins. Image: Ibrahim Musa, New York Medical College

Biologists tested the effect of formononetin onidentified genes and target proteins. To do this, scientists acted with the drug on artificially cultivated cell lines. Experiments have shown that this phytohormone does have an effect on gene expression and protein production.

“Our results confirm that formononetinis a good therapeutic candidate for treating food allergies, said Ibrahim Musa, one of the participants in the study from the New York College of Medicine. “In addition, our study has identified new links and targets that can be used in the development of other drugs for the treatment of allergic diseases.”

Food allergies occur when the immunethe system perceives food or something in it as a threat. This causes the immune system to produce IgE antibodies, which can cause allergy symptoms such as hives, asthma, itching, and others.

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