Pornhub publishes content report for the first time: over 600k violent videos removed

Last year, the New York Times published a story about Pornhub's lax policies that allowed its users

monetize rape content orsexual exploitation of children. After this, the service decided to change its content requirements and carry out serious moderation. According to the report, from January 2020 to December 2020, Pornhub removed 653,465 pieces of content that violated its rules. They include videos with minors, non-consensual videos, such as revenge porn and doxxing attempts. Videos containing animal cruelty, violence, and illicit body fluids were also removed.

The report also explains how Pornhubhandles child sexual abuse material (CSAM). Pornhub detects CSAM on its website through moderation and reporting provided by the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children. Last year, the center submitted a total of more than 13,000 potential CSAMs, of which 4,171 were unique reports and the rest were duplicates.

For moderation, Pornhub uses severaldetection technologies. In 2020, it scanned all previously uploaded videos with YouTube CSAI Match, a proprietary video platform technology for detecting child sexual abuse images. He also scanned all previously submitted photos using Microsoft PhotoDNA, which was developed for the same purpose. Pornhub will continue to use both technologies to scan all videos uploaded to its platform. In addition, the website uses Google's Content Security API, MediaWise cyber-fingerprint software (to scan all new user downloads for previously identified offensive content) and Safeguard, a proprietary image recognition technology designed to combat both CSAM and with videos taken without consent.

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