Postcard from Mars: Curiosity took a panoramic photo of the mountains on the Red Planet

NASA's Curiosity rover captured a breathtaking image from the slope of Mount Sharp on Mars. He used navigation

cameras to do twice in one daypanoramas at 8:30 am and again at 16:10 local Martian time. The mission team was so inspired by the beauty of the landscape that they combined two black-and-white images that Curiosity took at different times of the Martian day and added color. The result was a rare postcard from the Red Planet.

: Top - 8:30, Bottom - 16:10

In the far right corner of the panorama isRafael Navarro's rocky mountain, named after a Curiosity scientist who passed away earlier this year. Behind him is the top of Mount Sharp, well above the area that Curiosity is exploring. Mount Sharp is located inside Gale Crater, a 154 km wide basin formed by impact in the distant past.

NASA / Jet Propulsion Laboratory-California Institute of Technology.

The Curiosity mission is led by the LaboratoryNASA's Jet Propulsion Project, operated by the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena, California. The Mars rover is an autonomous chemical laboratory several times larger and heavier than the previous Spirit and Opportunity rovers.

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