Pwn20wnd released unc0ver v2.1.1 jailbreak update with bug fixes

Hacker and developer Pwn20wnd has released an update to his jailbreak tool unc0ver v2.1.1 with various

improvements and bug fixes.

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According to the official developer page on GitHub, this is the third beta version of unc0ver v.2.1.1. It contains the following changes:

– Store kernel base in kernel_task-&gt;all_image_info_addr

– Store kernel slide in kernel_task-&gt;all_image_info_size

- Fix address assertion

- Fix snapshot mounting

As with all beta versions, we recommend this installation to experienced users only. The rest should wait for the official release, in which all serious bugs will be fixed.

If you are not interested in the beta version, you can install the official public version (v2.1.0), which can be downloaded from the official Pwn20wnd repository on GitHub.

Unc0ver is a semi-tied jailbreak, like Electra, which means it needs to be reinstalled in the application after each device reboot. It contains a new version of Cydia optimized for iOS 11.

If you have not yet installed the unc0ver jailbreak, but want to do it, you can use our instructions. It supports all devices with iOS 11.0-11.4 beta 3.

The official public version of unc0ver v.2.1.1 may be released from day to day, however there is a possibility that several more beta versions will be released before this point. In any case, it’s nice to see that they don’t forget about the jailbreak.