Rare white elephant born in Myanmar with unusual eyes and back

A rare white elephant has been born in western Myanmar. In this Buddhist country this is considered a good sign. By

According to the Global New Light of Myanmar newspaper, the baby was born in the western state of Rakhine and weighs more than 80 kg and is about 70 cm tall.

In the footage published by the stateTelevision shows how the baby follows his mother to the river, how he is washed by caretakers, and then he is fed. The baby elephant's name has not yet been chosen.

Mother —33-year-old Zar Nan Hla —is being held at a Myanmar logging facility in Rakhine State. The newborn baby elephant has seven of the eight characteristics found in rare white elephants.

We are talking about “pearl-colored” eyes, unusualthe shape of the back, the color of the coat, the characteristic shape of the tail, patterns on the skin. White elephants also have “five claws on their front paws, four on their hind paws and large ears,” the newspaper reports.

Historically, white elephantswere considered extremely auspicious in Southeast Asian culture, and the region's ancient rulers acquired as many of them as they could to increase their wealth. But the huge costs of keeping animals in proper luxury gave rise to a modern expression in local culture, according to which a “white elephant” is a useless, albeit beautiful thing.

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