Report on the distribution of Android versions: and things are still there

More than four years ago, Google stopped publishing reports on the distribution of Android versions on the market (according to one of

versions, due to extremely depressing indicators).Fortunately, every six months the veil of secrecy falls when Google updates the diagram in the Android Studio development environment. According to recent data, for almost six months since its release, only 5.0% of devices are running Android 13. The previous Android 12 (combined with 12L) is installed on 18.9% of all gadgets on the planet, while in August this figure was 13.5%. Strictly speaking, Android 12, a year and a half after its release, is being rolled out at a much faster pace than the latest Android 13.

The lion's share of devices (24.4% or eachfourth!) continues to run Android 11, and Android 10 is ahead of Android 12, occupying 19.5% of the market. And, what is the saddest thing, there is no evidence on the horizon that this state of affairs will ever change for the better.

    © Vladimir Kovalev.

    Sourced from