Reznikov: American HIMARS multiple launch rocket systems with a range of up to 80 km are already in Ukraine

Министр обороны Украины рассказал, что мы уже получили американские реактивные системы залпового огня HIMARS.

What is known

Alexey Reznikov wrote about this on social medianetworks. We are talking about MLRS with missiles that are capable of hitting targets at a distance of up to 80 km. Their deliveries were approved by the US government at the end of May. By the way, the Ukrainian military has already completed a training course on their use.

Let us remind you that HIMARS is an American jetmultiple launch rocket system. It is based on the US Army's five-ton wheeled FMTV chassis. The RSZV can carry six missiles or one ATACMS tactical ballistic missile. The operating range of the HIMARS M142 ranges from 2 to 500 km (depending on the projectiles).

Source: Alexey Reznikov