Rogozin accused SpaceX of collaborating with the CIA and the Pentagon

Private space corporations, such as SpaceX, are created in order to reduce the cost of delivering cargo to

space. But their activities also have a downside. Discuss

For example, American companies representing "private space" are contractors for the Pentagon or agents of the CIA. This was stated by the head of Roscosmos Dmitry Rogozin.

In short, we do not need to tell fairy tales about"private cosmonautics" of the United States. At best they are trusted contractors of the Pentagon, at worst they are agents of the Pentagon or the CIA under the guise of "private independent companies."

Dmitry Rogozin

According to the official, "Congressmen regulateactivity of private satellite operators, including in such a most important issue as their involvement in the war against Russia. Rogozin cited SpaceX as an example of such interference.