Rounder: iPhone 14 Pro compared to iPhone 13 Pro live

Apart from the departure from the "bangs" and a slightly larger block of main cameras, the older iPhone 14 Pro lookssimilarly

last year's iPhone 13 Pro.But this is at first glance.In fact, the cases of the devices haveOne striking difference, which the informant hastened to point [email protected] comparing the bezels directly, you can notice a change in the radius of the screen rounding - the iPhone 14 Pro has become more rounded.At the same time, the source demonstrated Apple's attention to detail: the adaptive widget of the "Dynamic Island" exactly repeatsA new radius of curvature of the screen, creating the effect of cohesion and unity of the interface with the design of the device - something that is so lackingcurrent Android devices.

    © Vladimir Kovalev.

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