Russia began to prohibit visiting restaurants and cafes without antique passports

The head of the administration of the head of Bashkiria said that restaurants and cafes in the region will be checked by

visitors must have an anti-Covid passport. It can be obtained after vaccination against coronavirus or if antibodies are detected in the body.

Writes about this "RIA Novosti". Earlier, the head of Bashkiria said that antique passports are being introduced in the region. They will have to encourage people to get vaccinated against the coronavirus.

It has now become known that at the entrance employeesrestaurants and cafes will check visitors' anti-Covid passports. Establishments will not be allowed to have more than 50 visitors in the hall at the same time.

Also, state sanatoriums and fitness centers in Bashkiria will offer discounts for holders of an anti-Covid passport.

Recently, the Minister of Health of Russia announced that it is already possible to obtain a vaccination passport on the portal of state services.