Russia has proposed to ban the publication of instructions for the manufacture of weapons

Amendments are proposed to be made to the Federal Law “On Weapons” and several other legislative acts. Their

The authors were deputies from United Russia and A Just Russia, headed by the head of the Duma Security Committee Vasily Piskarev.

There is already a publication ban in Russiainstructions for homemade explosives and explosive devices. Article 4 of the Law “On the Mass Media” prohibits journalists from publishing information containing instructions for homemade explosives and explosive devices.”

Now it is proposed to add to this formulation,that the media are prohibited from publishing similar information about “firearms, independent production or alteration of the main parts of firearms, restoration of the combat properties of decommissioned weapons”

In the explanatory note, the authors indicate thatOver the past five years in Russia, law enforcement officers have identified more than 400 illegal workshops engaged in the production and conversion of weapons. And decommissioned or lost weapons are often used in the commission of crimes.

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