The first manned Russian expedition will go to the Moon in 2031, its goals will be work that
In particular, the state corporation in 2032plans to deliver a heavy moon rover with the ability of astronauts to travel to the Earth’s satellite, as well as an expedition that will test the movements of the Earth’s satellite.
The next expedition will have to makelong-distance moonmobile trips and testing facilities that will be engaged in research. In a year, the construction of the lunar base will begin.
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Each expedition received a code name - fromM1 to M5. They will be carried out at the expense of two launches of an extra-heavy rocket, which will bring a manned spacecraft and an airborne landing complex into orbit for disembarkation and subsequent launch from the moon.
At the end of 2018, the Council on Spacethe concept of the Russian lunar program, however, asked to add it. In this case, the timing of its implementation are planned until 2040. Sources of the agency said that the federal Roscosmos program is estimated at 1.5 trillion rubles.