Russian hackers accused of stealing data on foreign vaccines

Media reported that Russian hackers stole part of the documents on foreign BioNTech/Pfizer vaccines from networks

European Medicines Agency.

About what is behind the hacker attacks on the EuropeanThe Medicines Agency is responsible for criminals from Russia and China, reported the Dutch publication De Volkskrant. The attack happened last year. In December 2020, the agency admitted that it had become a victim.

It is known that in the fall of 2020, hackers (likePresumably Russian) sent malicious emails to several agency employees. When opened, malicious software was installed on computer systems. As a result, the hackers had access to the agency's internal networks for at least a month. It is reported that the hackers were interested in the vaccination strategy in Europe. The criminals also stole documents about vaccine manufacturers - BioNTech and Pfizer. Some of the files later appeared on the Internet. It is claimed that the data in them was changed. It is possible that in order to question the effectiveness of the vaccine.

Russia denies involvement in cyberattacks.