Russians know about AI, are afraid of it, but want to work with it

Among the respondents there are almost no people who know nothing or have not even heard about artificial

intelligence.Almost two-thirds of respondents (60%) know about AI, and another quarter (27%) have at least heard of them. Study participants acknowledge that the future lies in new technologies, but continue to be wary of them.

The biggest fear is related to the fear of Almost three-fifths (58%) of those surveyed say that the development of AI will lead to job losses. At the same time, every tenth respondent is sure that his profession will become a thing of the past, and about 46% of respondents are convinced that neural networks will be able to take over some of their tasks.

Among the professions most at risk,respondents singled out translators (55%), service workers (51%), bank employees (46%), accountants (41%), production workers (40%), drivers (37%), couriers (31%), financial consultants (28%) and auditors (21%).

In general, these fears correlate well withforecasts of the development of the labor market, which are given by specialists. For example, in the report "The Future of the Labor Market 2020", which was prepared by experts from the World Economic Forum and includes a forecast until 2025, administrators, secretaries, specialists who enter data into computer systems, accountants, auditors, assemblers and factory workers.

Fear for the future of work is not the onlya factor that causes distrust of new technologies on the part of the Russians surveyed. Respondents are also afraid of technical failures (42%), possible leakage of personal data (38%) and reduction of live communication (37%). At the same time, in defense of technologies, survey participants say that with their implementation, work will be done faster (29%), better (16%) and more objective (10%).

Despite fear, the vast majorityof respondents would not mind understanding the technology in more detail (85%), and more than half would like to work in the field related to AI. The most promising of them are: robotics (64%), smart cities (53%), machine learning (40%), according to the respondents.

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