Safe lenses designed to correct color blindness

Previously, tinted glasses with colored lenses were created for the same purpose, but they turned out to be potentially

harmful. In their new work, the researchers used gold nanoparticles to create lenses. 

Such ordinary actions as determining whether a banana is ripe and seeing what light is on at a traffic light are very difficult for colorblind people. 

Most people with this geneticdisorder have trouble distinguishing between red and green shades. To achieve this, the researchers decided to develop special tinted contact lenses, but in clinical trials, they leached the dye, leading to concerns about their safety.

New gold nanocomposites are non-toxic and manyhave been used for years to diffuse light. To make the contact lenses, the researchers uniformly mixed gold nanoparticles into a hydrogel polymer that filtered light between 520 and 580 nm, the wavelength where red and green overlap.

Contact lenses proved to be the most effectivewith 40 nm wide gold nanoparticles because in tests these particles did not clump together or filter more color than necessary. In addition, these lenses were not toxic to the body. The new lenses also matched the wavelength range of colored contact lenses.

According to scientists, the next step in their work will be to conduct clinical trials with people to evaluate the comfort and overall sensations of wearing lenses. 

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