Safe plastic turns into wax in 226 days

The startup Polymateria has created biodegradable plastic; the company stated that their product is unique and the first in

world with such properties. 

New plastic does not break down into tiny piecesparticles during the decomposition process and does not require special equipment for disposal. The essence of the technology is that about a dozen chemicals are added to the plastic, including rubbers, oils and desiccant, which then destroy plastic polymers and turn the material into wax. In its natural environment, wax is completely digested by bacteria and fungi. 

This plastic can be used to make thin cling film or a glass for drinks. This glass decomposes in just 226 days and can also be reused. 

We are targeting the type of plastic that is most likelyeverything will end up in the natural environment, with a solution that does not require any composting technologies for biodegradation or capital costs. 

Company message Polymateria

The company has already partnered with supplier to the world's largest small store chain, 7-Eleven, and has closed a $ 100 million deal with petrochemical giant Formosa Plastics.

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