Samsung officially introduced its "artificial man" Neon, which can replace the actor, presenter and even friend

Samsung officially presented its Neon project at the CES exhibition, which kicked off today in Las Vegas.

divisions of Star Labs.

What is it

This is not a robot or a voice assistant. Rather, it is an animated chatbot on a screen that you can communicate with. And you won’t even notice that this is a virtual person and not a real person.

Neon has its own facial expressions, movements, voice,and the manufacturer claims that he even has his own emotions and memories (but this is straight from the world of science fiction). An “artificial person” can conduct a dialogue and answer questions, and it only takes a few milliseconds to search for information and the correct answer.

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Why is it needed?

In the future, such avatars will be able to act as a yoga instructor, hotel employee, actor, singer, TV presenter, etc. Moreover, the “artificial person” will be able to become a real friend.

Representatives of Star Labs emphasize that Neon will not replace a person or worker - rather, it is designed to improve interaction with customers.

“We plan to make Neon available to bothbusiness partners and consumers around the world,” the company said in a statement. “It’s too early for us to comment on the business model or pricing of Neon, but we plan to launch a beta version of Neon in the real world with select partners later this year.”