San Francisco Police Want Permission to Kill Suspects with Robots During Detention

The San Francisco Police Department intends to update its policy and add the ability to use

robots equipped with lethal weapons.

What is known

The first version of the new policy did not containreferences to robots. However, a member of the Rules Committee of the Supervisory Board, Aaron Peskin, decided to add a clause to the document stating that robots cannot be used against any person.

In the end, the remark was crossed out, and on herplace added another condition. It consists in the fact that the police will be able to use robots with lethal weapons during the arrest of a suspected case of the risk of death of officers or members of the public. The draft policy was approved by the Committee. The document will be considered by the Supervisory Boards on November 29.

Now in the arsenal of the San Francisco police there areabout two dozen full-featured robots that can be controlled remotely. They are usually used to inspect areas and defuse bombs without endangering the lives of sappers.