Satellite images show how ships affect the climate

In order to create accurate climate models, it is important to know how the particles of harmful substances released during the

In particular, they canchange the reflectivity of clouds.

Higher reflective cloudswill reduce the energy reaching the Earth's surface, and therefore reduce the level of global warming. Therefore, it is important to get an accurate picture of how clouds react to human pollutants.

Knowing the speed at which the clouds change intoresponse to harmful substances is essential to understanding their impact on the climate. Researchers from Imperial College London, Leipzig University and University College London decided to use harmful substances from ships as a kind of stopwatch and measure the speed of this process.

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Substances that form ships are clearly visibleinside cloud formations - researchers call them "ship caterpillars". In the open ocean, clouds are unlikely to be influenced by factors other than aerosols, making ship tracks ideal candidates for such an experiment.

The team examined satellite images of ship tracksand used wind information and logs to determine how long ago each ship passed certain points. They could then relate the cloud state to changes caused by the ship's emissions.

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