Saurik released Cydia Substrate update with bug fixes

Saurik (Jay Freeman) released a significant update to Cydia Substrate less than two weeks ago, but with it,

Due to this, the developer has released another update in which he has fixed all the problems.

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Given that in the latest version of CydiaSubstrate fixed all the most common bugs, we would recommend installing it as soon as possible. If you are already using Cydia Substrate, you can update your sources in Cydia to see the update. Otherwise, you need to add the following repository and download the update from it:

To use the updated version of CydiaSubstrate, you need unc0ver jailbreak version 2.0.0 and later. Substitute can be replaced with Cydia Substrate using the Substrate Downloader file, but this requires the latest version of dpkg.