Scientists called the most dangerous diet for health

Doctors and scientists have compiled an anti-rating of diets, that is, they have identified the most unfavorable and dangerous types of nutrition.

In the new year, the keto diet topped this list.

This is what they call a diet that involves drasticreducing carbohydrates and increasing the amount of fat in food. Such nutrition really helps to quickly lose weight, but the effect is short-lived. The fact is that the principles of the keto diet are difficult to adhere to.

As told by a member of the European Societyendocrinologists Valery Vasilyev, such nutrition is fraught with a side effect - ketosis. This is a disease in which the body accumulates ketones, a substance formed during the breakdown of fat (which is where the body receives energy during the keto diet). An excess of ketones leads to the appearance of an acetone odor from the mouth, and poisoning occurs in the body.

Experts also call keto-diet dangerous for the heart and blood vessels. It increases the risk of diabetes.