Scientists confirm collision of antiparticle with matter in Antarctica

Scientists have confirmed a powerful collision of an antiparticle with matter in Antarctica, which happened in 2016.

The collision caused a resonance for Glashow.This is the name for the resonant growth of the W-boson production cross section in the collision of an electron antineutrino with an electron at a certain antineutrino energy. It exceeds the energy that is expected to be obtained at the Large Hadron Collider after its modernization. It is noted that scientists did not expect to see evidence of the Glashow resonance, but now that they have it. It allows you to confirm the Standard Model.

Scientists who work at the neutrinoIt took more than four years for the IceCube Observatory in Antarctica to confirm the phenomenon. However, this does not compare with the time it took for the researchers to wait at all for a collision. The Glashow resonance was first described theoretically in 1960.