Scientists explain why some dinosaurs have shrunk

Alvarezsaurus lived in many parts of the world – they inhabited China, Mongolia and South America.This species

dinosaurs lived from the Late Jurassic toUpper Cretaceous (from 160 to 70 million years ago). They were slender, bipedal predators who spent most of their time on Earth feeding on lizards, early mammals, and the offspring of other dinosaurs.

“Probably in the Cretaceous period, competition withother dinosaurs intensified. The Cretaceous was an era of rapidly evolving ecosystems, and the biggest change was the gradual conquest of land by flowering plants. They changed the nature of the landscape and led to the active growth of various types of insects, for example, ants. Dinosaurs didn’t eat new plants, but they did eat ants, ”said Professor Michael Benton.

Initially, alvarezsaurs were not small in size.size and were not even anteaters. Their ancestors, such as Haplocheirus, were relatively large dinosaurs, about the size of a small ostrich, with sharp teeth, flexible forelimbs and large eyes. All this suggests that before dinosaurs began to eat only ants, their diet was mixed. 

Scientists' calculations showed that the body weight of alvaressaurs decreased from 30-40 kg to 5 kg in 95 million years. Also, due to the diet, the shape of their claws has changed.

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Late Jurassic - the third era of the Jurassic period, covering geological time from 163.5 ± 1.0 to 145.0 ± 0.8 million years ago. The corresponding geological layers are called the Upper Jurassic.

The Upper Cretaceous is the second section of the Cretaceous system, i.e.deposits formed during the Late Cretaceous. The lower boundary of the Upper Cretaceous dates back to 100.5 million years ago, the upper one - 66.0 million years ago. Thus, the Late Cretaceous lasted 34.5 Ma.