Scientists filmed cell growth in real time on video

Группа учёных-биологов из Университета Дьюка занимаются изучением клеток и того, что происходит внутри них.

Как ни странно, им удалось удивить общественность, представив видео с процессом строительства некоторых наноразмерных конструкций внутри клеток в действии.Обсудить

The material was filmed by them, using the latest real-time visualization methods for this. As part of their latest study, the researchers looked inside the cells of a developing fruit fly.

To do this, they needed the "help" of technology.ultra-high resolution fluorescence microscopy. With its help, scientists filmed how a cell grows, under the surface of which there is a thin network of protein fibers, each of which is 10,000 times thinner than a human hair.

It is reported that such observations can help in a better understanding of the processes of wound healing in humans and how abnormalities develop in children with birth defects.