Scientists have bred luminous mice susceptible to coronavirus infection

Scientists of the Belgorod State National Research University and Institute

biology of the RAS gene created a new line  transgenic mice by introducing into them a gene that encodes the human SARS-CoV-2 cell entry receptor (ACE2).

Human ACE2 is integrated into the mouse genome in a complex design that allows the transgene to be activated in different tissues on demand. 

This is necessary in order to study the mechanismsdamage to individual organs, since after activation, not the whole organism will be sensitive to the virus, but only selected tissues. Also, a similar approach allows one to regulate sensitivity to the virus and makes the model biologically safe.

The trick is that the transgenic construct«silent» before crossing with special activators, the so-called «Cre-mice». With their help, it is possible to trigger the expression of hACE2, that is, to open the gates for SARS-CoV-2, either throughout the entire body, or selectively in various tissues, including the lungs, kidneys, and brain.

Alexey Deykin, research, director of the joint center of genetic technologies of the National Research University "BelSU"

This will make it possible to study the mechanisms of damage to individual organs, since after activation, not the whole organism will be sensitive to the virus, but only selected tissues. 

Experts believe that this line of mice will allowaccelerate testing of vaccines and drugs, and will also help explore the role of various organs in SARS-CoV-2 infection and the development of complications associated with COVID-19.

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