Scientists have come up with a new form of AI that observes a person and learns

Researchers at Chalmers University of Technology have developed a new form of AI. He's watching

human behavior and can adapt to perform its tasks. So the authors want to create flexible robots that can work side by side with people.

Robots operating in a human environment mustadapt to the fact that all people are unique and can solve the same problem in different ways. Therefore, an important area of ​​robot development is learning to work collaboratively under dynamic conditions.

Maximilian Diehl, PhD student in the Department of Electrical Engineering, Chalmers University of Technology

When people perform a simple task, such asserve the table, you can approach this problem in several different ways, depending on the conditions. If there is a chair in front of us, then we can move it or walk around. We alternate the use of the right and left hands, pause and perform unplanned actions.

But robots work differently:they need precise instructions throughout the work. This approach makes them very effective in environments where the same template can be used, such as factories. But to successfully interact with people, such as in healthcare or customer service, robots need to work more flexibly.

Researchers from Chalmers University wantedfind out if it is possible to create AI that learns from general rather than specific information. So that he can then create a flexible and adaptable algorithm for solving the problem.

To try to create such a neural network, the authorsasked several people to complete the same task - to stack stacks of small cubes twelve times in a virtual environment. Each time the task was performed differently. People's movements were tracked using a set of laser sensors.

The resulting AI focused on understandingintentions and subgoals of the work performed. The neural network has created libraries consisting of different actions for each of them. Then the artificial intelligence created a planning tool, with which the robot was able to automatically generate a plan for a given task, even when the surrounding conditions changed.

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