Scientists have created an edible film storage system for vaccines

For decades, scientists have been trying to find a way to store vaccines at room temperature.

without using the refrigerator.If researchers can do this, not relying on refrigeration could allow more people to receive the vaccine. In addition, in Western countries, 40 percent of the cost of vaccines is the cost of storage and transportation.

In a new study, scientists have found a waystore bacteria in vaccines, which under normal conditions quickly die at room temperature, inside thin and edible films, which also make it possible to avoid injections and administer the drug orally.

Researchers managed to create a solution from a certain combination of sugars and salts, which, when crystallized, does not destroy the protein complexes of bacteria.

Then the solution is applied to a thin substrate, inwhich antigens are introduced. The liquid dries quickly, leaving a strong matrix in which antigens are stabilized, and for greater protection, everything is covered with a protective film of edible material.

Previouslywas reportedthat preclinical trials of the 2019-nCov new coronavirus vaccine have begun in China. While testing is carried out only on mice