Scientists have determined the age of a sample from the moon, which was delivered to Earth 50 years ago

Scientists from Australia studied soil samples from the Moon and dated them using uranium-lead geochronology.

It turned out that the sample that the Americanastronauts took it from the Mare Serenity (a crater on the surface of the Moon) 50 years ago, almost 4.2 billion years. How long ago is this? According to preliminary estimates, the substance was formed approximately 350 million years after the birth of the Solar System. The authors of the study emphasize that such ancient lunar soil is an extremely valuable sample for studying the young Moon and the evolution of planets.

Scientists fromUK, Canada, Sweden and Australia. The researchers' goal is to determine the age and geographic origin of the sample. However, the team of experts achieved much more. The results of the project helped refine knowledge of atomic-level processes in minerals that have been subjected to extreme shock forces in their history. The samples that astronauts collected from the Moon 50 years ago survived two impacts on the surface during the formation of the crater.

The research is published in the journal Nature Communications Earth and Environment.

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