Scientists have explained how they will search for the ninth planet in the solar system

That's exactly what Yale University astronomers Malena Rice and Gregory Laughlin are doing. They use,

which collects scattered light from thousands of space telescope images and determines orbital paths for previously undetected objects.

Nobody can see this planet unless they use this method. If Planet Nine is anywhere near, it will be incredibly dim.

Malena Rice, lead author of the new study, approved by The Planetary Science Journal. 

The idea that the ninth planet is located behindorbit of Neptune, has gained popularity among astronomers in recent years when they explored the curious orbits of a cluster of small icy objects in the Kuiper belt. Many astronomers believe that the location of these objects and their trajectories indicate the influence of an invisible object.

Although the vast majority of the light observedfrom planets in the solar system, this is reflected light, the amount of reflected sunlight drops sharply for such a distant planet as the alleged ninth. It is probably 12-23 times farther from the Sun than Pluto.

The researchers tested their method duringsearch for light signals of three known trans-Neptunian objects (TNO). The team then conducted a blind search in two sectors of the outer solar system to identify Planet Nine or any previously undetected Kuiper belt objects. As a result, 17 potential objects were found.

Scientists are currently investigating these 17 potential candidates. 

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