Scientists have found a way to make Mars habitable

Russian scientists from the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research proposed a method that, in their opinion,

will help make Mars habitable in the future. The method is to colonize Mars with lichens and microorganisms capable of synthesizing inorganic substances into organic matter. Discuss

Experts suggested this method against the backgroundthe growing density of the Earth's population, which will sooner or later raise the issue of lack of space. The method of transformation and subsequent colonization of Mars is the reproduction of colonies of lichens and autotrophic bacteria - organisms that synthesize organic substances from inorganic ones. Lichens and bacteria must be planted in the Valles Marineris and the Hellas Plain, located close to the planet’s equator, so that the “colonizers” will be protected from scorching ultraviolet radiation, temperature changes and sandstorms.

This choice is due more or lesssuitable physical and climatic starting conditions: air temperature, higher atmospheric pressure compared to the "zero" level of the planet, and, possibly, liquid water, according to satellite data.

But, before doing this, you mustprepare conditions for the life of terrestrial plants and bacteria. To begin with, it is necessary, with the help of human intervention, to increase the pressure and make the temperature on the planet more suitable for life, and only then try to populate it. And this will take hundreds of years. At the same time, scientists believe that even the seemingly utopian scenario is quite real.

Source: Izvestia