Scientists have found out whether vaccinated and infected with COVID-19 are dangerous for others

Unfortunately, vaccination is not a guarantee that a person will not get infected with the coronavirus.However, is there a difference?

Does the administration of the vaccine affect the contagiousness of the sick person?These and other questions were answered by a correspondent of The Atlantic.Discuss

According to recent studies, the author claims, vaccinated covid patients spreadThis is due to the fact that such people are much less likely to catch COVID-19.The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found in September that for every vaccinated person who tested positive for the infection, there were six unvaccinated people.

There are also two not yet reviewedstudies that, according to Ross Kedle, professor of immunology at the University of Colorado, confirm these facts. Thus, one of them shows that the proportion of vaccinated people in Provincetown who transmitted the virus to others is small compared to everyone else. Other – conducted by British scientists – suggests that the Pfizer and AstraZeneca vaccines reduce infections after breakthrough diseases.

In the Netherlands, scientists have also conducted research on this topic. It showed that vaccinated patients carry less infectious virus particles. True, this study has not yet been reviewed.

The same conclusion was reached, for example, inUniversity of Illinois at Urbana Champaign. According to the article published according to the results of the study, the vaccinated not only emit less virus in principle, but also stop spreading it earlier than the unvaccinated, and the particles they emit are less infectious. And a Dutch study shows that in vaccinated families, transmission of covid decreased by 63 percent, while others found no difference between vaccinated and unvaccinated.

At the same time, there is no consensus on the extent to which getting vaccinated helps to reduce the risk of transmission of infection.

However, scientists say: the best protection against transmission of the virus and infection with it – graft.

Source: Inosmi