Scientists have found the remains of a giant ancient turtle. She was more of a car!

The huge ancient turtle Stupendemys geographicus was first discovered back in the 1970s, but scientists still

knew quite little about this species. The length of individuals could be more than 4 m, and the weight - more than 1.2 tons. It is assumed that they lived at the bottom of lakes and rivers, and ate small crocodiles and fruits.

The new remains of Stupendemys geographicus were found in the Tatacoa Desert in Colombia - they consist of a 3 m long carapace and fragments of the lower jaw.

Stupendemys geographicus is second bythe size of a famous ancient turtle. The largest creature of this type are the sea turtles Archelons, who lived 70 million years ago - their size could reach at least 4.6 m.

Recently, biologists managed to teach modern giant tortoises tricks. It turned out that these animals are highly trainable, and thanks to their longevity, they will be remembered for decades.