Scientists have found traces of the slowest earthquake: it lasted 32 years

Most earthquakes last from a few seconds to minutes. Some of them are much slower - they

last several days, weeks or even months.The frequencies of such earthquakes are so low that they may not be felt on the surface. Scientists in Singapore have discovered the slowest earthquake ever detected, lasting 32 years.

By themselves earthquakes are underground tremors andvibrations of the earth's surface. According to modern views, earthquakes reflect the process of geological transformation of the planet. It is believed that the root cause of earthquakes is global geological and tectonic forces, namely the movement of the earth's plates.

Sometimes they slide past each other very slowly, producing vibrations that are only detectable by extremely sensitive equipment.

These slow slip phenomenaevents, SSE) usually last a few weeks, and only a few lasted for three years. But this is nothing compared to the “marathon” earthquake, which was discovered by researchers from Nanyang Technological University in Singapore.

Scientists have studied unusual ancient coral structures known as microatolls off the coast of Sumatra, Indonesia. They grow very slowly, registering changes in the earth's crust.

R. van Vesik, J. Golbuu and G. Roff / CC BY-SA 4.0

The study showed that in slowThe earthquake began in 1829 and lasted 32 years. It ended with the 8.5 magnitude earthquake in Sumatra in 1861, which killed thousands of people.

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