Scientists have named the best time of day for vaccination

Swiss and German scientists have determined that the state of the immune system fluctuates throughout the day. Taking into account

This is why they recommended the best time of day for vaccination. Discuss

Researchers have seen that the immune systemis most active in humans in the early morning, immediately before the resumption of general activity. In mice that are nocturnal, for example, this peak is observed during the day.

If we talk in more detail about what isthe activity of the immune system, one should talk about dendritic cells. This is a population of white blood cells that is very important in the functioning of the immune system. The main function of dendritic cells is to present antigens to T-lymphocytes. It turned out that these leukocytes move most actively through the lymphatic vessels immediately before the awakening of the body, at the end of the resting stage.

Scientists have suggested that the time of day should be taken into account when administering vaccines in order to increase their effectiveness.

Source: Université de Genève