Scientists: people prone to addictions do not really exist

Surely you have heard the expression “addictive personality” or “dependent personality”. In reality such

there are no people: at least, there is no scientifically confirmed data about this. In other words, “addictive personality” – it's just a stereotype. Discuss

In the 1930s, people about alcohol, drugsand other types of addiction was still little known. Therefore, at that time, the best explanation for the emergence of addiction was considered a tendency to this of the person himself. This is how the idea of ​​an addictive personality appeared.

Because of the stereotype that certain individuals are prone to addiction, people may be less likely to seek help. After all, it is believed that getting rid of addiction is either very difficult, or even impossible.

In addition, there is scientific evidence thatcontradict the idea of ​​the existence of a dependent personality type. For example, it is known that some people can really return to drugs if they give up, while the majority have problems with only one type of addiction (alcohol, drugs, etc.) and can easily give up the rest.

However, there are features that are moreoccurs in people who have problems with alcohol, drugs, etc. This is a risk-taking or impulsiveness, as well as an anxious or melancholy temperament. A person may also have a combination of all these qualities.

Personality is formed under the influence of severalfactors. Heredity also plays a role. So, the occurrence of problems with alcohol can be 45-65 percent dependent on genetics. But at the same time, there is no separate “personality gene” that can lead to the development of addiction to alcohol or drugs.

A person is attracted to alcohol becausehis brain is set up. Motivation to use illicit substances or alcohol is largely due to the fact that the brain learns associations, that is, it remembers the connections between the effect of taking a drug, an individual's individual reaction to a drug, and the environment. Therefore, if you, for example, drink every time from the same glass, then the brain will remember this and then you will have a desire to drink when you see this glass.

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