Scientists understand how to extend life by five times

A few years ago, scientists announced that they were able to extend the life of nematodes by 500%. They managed to do this by suppressing

expression of two genes. Now researchers understand how this mechanism works.

Early research increased lifeCaenorhabditis elegans worms doubled. Scientists have been able to do this by suppressing the expression of the DAF-2 gene. In addition, it was known that the prolongation of life leads to the suppression of the activity of the protein gene - RSKS-1. In 2013, a team of researchers led by Di Chen from Nanjing University created a nematode that simultaneously turned off both of these genes. Such a mutant could live five times longer than usual. So scientists realized that mutations reinforce each other's action.

Later, researchers decided to understand the mechanism,allowing the worms to live longer is better. During the work, scientists isolated proteins whose synthesis is suppressed in long-lived mutants. They realized that some of the proteins play an important role in limiting the length of life.

As a result, scientists realized that the mechanism, apparentlyApparently, it works like this: in mutants without RSKS-1, protein synthesis is suppressed, that is, less protein enters the mitochondria. Depriving worms of DAF-2 also leads to the fact that there are few substrates for energy production in mitochondria. When there is a lack of energy and low activity, mitochondria release signaling substances that enhance the cell's response to stress. That is, mutants become more resistant to stress, which makes them live longer.

Scientists also said that increasing the life of worms in this way is equivalent to 400 or 500 years of human life.