Scientists unveil COVID-19 ceiling sensor

UK scientists have unveiled a ceiling alarm for COVID-19. The device can detect

infected in just 15 minutes.

A sensor made by Roboscientific,works by detecting chemicals secreted by the skin or present in the breath of those infected with the coronavirus. The device can be installed indoors, where it will probe the air for VOCs associated with disease. The fingerprint is created by odors resulting from metabolic changes in the body of patients caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus, and is detected as changes in the production of volatile organic compounds.

In Russia there are almost 15 thousand coronavirus infections per day. There were more only in February

The first studies by scientists from the London SchoolHygiene and Tropical Medicine and Durham University have shown that the instrument is 98-100% accurate, making it as reliable as standard PCR-based COVID-19 laboratory tests and significantly more reliable than rapid lateral flow tests.

Scientists emphasize that their researchis at an early stage, the work has not yet been reviewed. Additional research has shown that the device can handle odors and can be both accurate and practical.

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